Banking on Me

In 1974, my dad’s boss decided to retire and close his business. He gave my dad a two week notice that he would no longer be employed. I was the oldest at 14 years old with three younger siblings. The youngest child was just one year old with severe epilepsy and developmental delays. Fortunately, my dad’s boss gave him his tools and the truck he drove for work. With only $57 to his name to support a wife and four children, my dad went down to talk to our local banker to ask for a loan and open a business bank account to start working for himself (and all of us) in oilfield work. Because my parents had a personal bank account and didn’t want to get the business and personal banking accounts mixed up by the bankers or themselves, my dad put me on his business account as a joint account owner when I was just fourteen. I had no idea that women weren’t allowed previously to have an account without a man co-signing. I grew up in a world and educational system that encouraged women to be and do whatever they wanted as far as a career. I stepped right up into that equality of the 1970s and never really understood the past difficulties for women in U.S. society. At 15, I had a driver’s license and regularly helped my dad with his banking business depositing checks and paying expenses. I even had a business credit card. I am grateful for the difficult times that challenged us as a family and helped me grow as a young person into independence and to learn how to be responsible and take responsibility for my actions. For most, there is no silver spoon, but only the diligence of our own hands pulling ourselves up by our boot-straps to make a life in this world. My dad did, and he passed the torch to me. Many of today’s young people would benefit from challenges, difficulties, and a few hard knocks in life to learn to live and cope when life hands you lemons. When one does learn, work, overcome, and grow, the lemonade is all the sweeter sipped in the shade on a swing after a hard day with one’s work well-done. Thanks to all who have gone before to make life better, sweeter, and easier, but let us not forget that each of us needs the struggle of the caterpillar from a cocoon to become a butterfly.

My article was based on a post I read posted by Paul Thomas on Facebook which reported the following:
Until 1974 in the USA women were unable to open a bank account or acquire a line of credit without a man co-signing.
The financial services industry was led by (usually white) men. So eight women came together to turn everything around by opening their own Women’s Bank.
Carol Green, Judi Wagner, LaRae Orullian, Gail Schoettler, Wendy Davis, Joy Burns, Beverly Martinez, and Edna Mosely founded the bank’s board by each pitching in $1,000.
On 14 July 1978 The Women’s Bank opened for business. People stood in line down the street in downtown Denver to deposit their money.
The first day’s deposits exceeded $1 million.

Photo and more info

EV Doesn’t Make Sense to Me – Yet.

California officials voted unanimously to ban the sale of new gas and diesel powered cars and trucks beginning in 2035, California is also mandating that 35% of new vehicles be powered by batteries or hydrogen by 2026 and 68% by 2030.

Yet today — when we, as a nation, were energy independent in 2019-2020, California officials don’t have enough electricity or capacity in their grid to power the current homes and businesses in the state.

Officials asked Californians to help with the current energy shortage by doing the following three things during peak usage hours.

1. Turn their thermostats up to 78º or higher.
2. Do not use large appliances and turn off unnecessary lights.
3. Avoid charging electric cars.

And yet they want EVERYONE to drive an electric car. The infrastructure for electric vehicles is not ready. The technology has not come to the market yet to make electric cars feasible, functional, or affordable.

I wonder how California politicians will prioritize and assign who gets to have air conditioning, lights in their home, the right to wash and dry their clothes, own a deep freezer or other large appliance, and power their electric cars going forward. And when the batteries on those electric cars need to be replaced and cost more than the car is worth, what’s the car owner to do next???

Some seem to want to go back to the dark ages. Perhaps that’s why so many people are moving away from California. California policies just doesn’t make sense to me. Unfortunately Virginia and other states are following the “lead” of California.

Robin House©️


On a recent flight, I had the opportunity to see the fruits of our shattered immigration system in person. On board our flight from a regional airport in my home town to a major hub, we were accompanied by at least four illegal aliens. They were young males, who I’d assess to be in the 20 to 40 year old age range, with a white tow sack for luggage and a smart phone. I don’t know what was in their sacks, but it is likely that my tax dollars bought their phone and is paying for their data plan along with their “free ride” on American Airlines to wherever they wanted to go.

While I would have to prove that I’m vaccinated to go to other countries or return to my home in the USA, illegals don’t.

While I have to prove that I have a specific type of negative covid test to get in, return, or travel in some parts of the USA, illegals don’t.

While I have to show a valid ID and prove my identity to board a flight, illegals don’t.

While I have to obey the laws of the land in the country I am a citizen of, illegals don’t.

While I would be fined or jailed for certain crimes, our federal government makes sure illegals don’t have the same standards or penalties as the USA citizens. In fact, sometimes, law enforcement bodies are prevented, precluded, and subverted from expelling illegal aliens in our towns and cities.

Over 221,300 illegals (that we know) of entered our nation through the southern border in March of 2022. That is about 25,000 more people than in my hometown, which happens to be the third largest city in Louisiana. With Shreveport ranking 25th in the nation for murders in a 2022 report, we don’t need more illegal people, activities, and crime coming to town.

What is our local government doing about it? Nothing that I’ve heard of so far. Greyhound buses drop off illegals and our airports transport some of them on to additional “destinations” in our midst.

What is our state government doing about it? I’ve called the Govenor’s office and our state representatives. The answer – nothing. They say there is nothing they will or can do, and they blame the federal government.

What is our federal government doing? The Republican representatives say that they are in the minority and the majority rules, so they can do nothing. The Democratic representatives don’t seem to see any problem with open borders. The President and whoever is pulling the puppet strings of power in the executive branch has deliberately and systematically dismantled our border enforcement and security.

When this President took the oath promising that he “will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States,” did he not understand his pledge? Did he think enforcing the immigration laws of the land unimportant and something in which he could personally reject complying and enforcing?

How could the President not know that opening the borders to illegal aliens would bring thousands of women and children into slavery and sex trafficking?

Did you see the three year old left alone at the border this week? Did you hear about the children being used as pawns for entry and the ones raped, beaten, and sometimes executed or left to die at the southern border?

How could the powers that be not know that cartels in Mexico would literally and figuratively make a killing over transporting people and drugs into our nation?

Did you know that the biggest cause of death today in the USA for 18-45 year old citizens is a fentanyl overdose? Our young adults and young parents are dying from the fentanyl shipped from China to Mexico that then comes across our southern border.

Nancy Reagan had a program called “Just say No!” to help stop drug abuse in our communities. Our government, by not enforcing the borders, has just said yes to killing our US citizens by flooding our communities illegal drugs.

Make no mistake, there is a plan at work. A plan for evil and not good. It is a plan for less freedom and more slavery. It is a plan for more control and less civilization. It is a plan for the re-imagining of America into a socialist and communist society directed by economically and socially crippling tyrannical rule. Is this what we want? Is this what we will stand for?

Current estimates reveal that by the end of the current President’s first term, one person in five will be an illegal alien living in our nation. Did you get that? Within less than 3 years, on average, sitting in a group of 5 people, one will not be here legally. That’s 20% of the US population that will not be US citizens within 3 years or less. How do you think that will affect our country, our communities, and our elections?

With a free phone, free rides on public and private transportation (including planes, trains, and buses), free health care, free education, and as one state is proposing, free college for illegals from the federal covid money allotment, why wouldn’t people come to the United States from everywhere? Well, guess what? Reports say that illegals have been documented as coming from 106 different countries around the world, including countries who have proclaimed us their mortal enemies and who have vowed to destroy our nation. Almost two dozen caught crossing our southern border recently were on our terrorist watch lists. We have no idea how many on the terrorist lists weren’t caught.

So now you know more of the bad news, what can be done?

I can speak from experience that one lone person calling their congressman/woman, senator, and the white house to demand enforcement of our laws and the security of our nation’s borders has been ineffective. Once elected, most politicians aren’t listening anymore. HELLO! Senator Cassidy. It will take a multitude of us calling to make our voices heard. I hope you will call and email to make your voice heard. To contact the U S Congress (House of Representatives and Senate), call 202 -224-3121. To contact the executive branch at the White House, call 202-456-1111. To contact your Govenor or local officials, “google” their numbers, and get involved to stand up for the safety and security of our nation. Call. Everyone call.

Did you know that there is no provision for the removal of an elected U S Senator for not doing his job or misrepresenting the people he was sent to represent? The President can be impeached – and we saw the last one impeached twice, but many elected officials are seemingly above and beyond the laws they make. This is why character counts and morals matter. It could be that a state could recall a U S Senator, but they won’t and don’t. When those in power start making laws to keep the citizenry from having influence in their government while inviting non citizens to a free lunch at our table on our tax dollars, something is terribly wrong.

What will work is if we, as freedom-loving, law-abiding, God-fearing citizens will unite and work together to select and elect candidates that stand for what is right and truth and abhor evil, that love life and will stand up to stop the death and destruction we are seeing in our society, and that won’t be beholden to anything, but to love one another like God commands. Romans 13:8 says, “Owe no one anything, except to love each other, for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law.”

Too many in politics today owe their allegiance to a party or particular lobby group – denying what is right and best for all in the big scheme of things or are simply serving their own self-interest and not the citizens who elected them. This is wrong, and if we don’t turn this bus around – we as a nation, will go over the cliff to destruction.

We must put aside allegiances to political parties and seek to do what is right. We must not trust the politician, but verify that he is doing the good will of the people. We must fire those who don’t do their duty to those they are supposed to serve and protect. This is our duty as citizens of a government that is supposed to be of, by, and for the people it serves.

Lastly and most importantly, this nation’s governmental system was specifically and distinctly designed for a citizenry that is Christian in nature, values, and ethics. It can not work, survive, or long function if our nation is not following the God of the Bible. To that end, we must look at our own selves and families. Perhaps we have work to do to clean up our own personal messes and some fences to mend. We must be willing to look clearly and honestly at what truth is. We must stop lying. In Colossians 3:9 Paul says to the Christians there, “Do not lie to one another, since you laid aside the old self with its evil practices,” Perhaps we, as a people, need to repent, turn away from sin, and commit to doing right.

Jesus said in Matthew 22 these two things were most important, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” I think this is the answer. When we love our neighbors as we love ourselves, we will be united. There will be no cultural or racial divides we can not deal with because we will want to and will love and care for one another. We will stand for truth and righteousness and reject lies and unrighteousness.

So, how do we do it?

It takes a commitment to Christ and a transformation from the inside out.
It takes courage not to quit.
It takes caring enough to stick your neck out to do right and help others.
It takes being involved in the community of Christ’s church family and standing tightly together to help one another day by day to get through everything this evil world will throw at us.
It takes communicating the Gospel to those who don’t know it yet. In Matthew 28 Jesus commands, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.”

This is the answer. Jesus is the real answer for it all.

Don’t let anyone confuse you.

Don’t let the forces of evil convince you that nothing can be done.

Don’t believe that we are so different and divided from one another that we can never come together. We are each unique and special individuals – just like everyone else – specifically and intentionally designed in the very image of an Almighty God who loves us and gave His own Son to redeem us from our sin. We are only as divided as we allow ourselves to be. Don’t play the division game.

Don’t accept less than the best – God’s best – for yourself, your family, your community, and your country.

Let’s work together in love for what is good, right, and true.

Last questions — Who can we share the answer with today, and what are we waiting for?

Robin House

Supreme Court Arguments For and Against the Right to Life

Arguments at the Supreme Court for abortion say that 1 in 4 women in America have had an abortion. It is a big issue in our society. The argument that unplanned pregnancies should not have to be continued is one of the primary arguments for the right to abort a child and is being made.

Pregnancy is in most cases a result of a voluntary choice to engage in behavior that brings an egg and sperm together. Women do have the right (morally or not in our nation) to engage in an activity that would bring their egg in contact with a man’s sperm. But once the egg is fertilized by the sperm, a new — and completely separate from the mom — individual life with its own unique DNA begins. At that point of conception, the child exists, and he or she should, in my opinion, be afforded the right to live as the Constitution promises to all of us the right to pursue life, liberty, and happiness.

The argument for a woman’s right to choice to end the life of her child must acknowledge that the woman’s choice ends when it infringes on the rights of life and existence of another separate individual. The conceived child is such an individual

Most often in the cases of abortion, women choose to participate in behavior that could render them with a child. To be blunt, many women want to have sexual relations without the consequences of what naturally occurs with the behavior. Some women seem to want to do the things that can result in a pregnancy without dealing with the consequence or responsibility to the other separate unique individual who has been formed by the woman and man.

The baby in the womb is treated by many as having no standing or rights as an individual. Though a child can not form itself and does not ask to be conceived, he or she is a person and entitled to the right to life, the right to choice over their bodies, and the right to live as they choose – just like the mother.

Our rights end at the point when they infringe on someone else’s rights. We can not harm or cause the death of another without consequences in the law. Why is there a difference in protections and rights for an unborn child – a child who is unable to speak up for themselves? We know that just because someone is bigger, stronger, or can exercise dominance over another person that does not mean that they should exert their will over another or that it is right to do so.

The science is clear that what is conceived in a woman’s womb is a living human being. More and more we have learned and understand the intricacy and individuality of every single person from the time they are conceived. The Bible says we are knit together by God in the womb and that He knows us and has plans for us before we are born.

I’m praying that our nation will turn back to following God. I’m praying that those with unplanned or unwanted pregnancies will choose to let the life of their children continue. I’m praying that those who do not want to keep or raise the children they conceive will give them through adoption to those who do want children and will care for and love them to help them grow.

We are all made in the image of the almighty God. I hope more will gently and lovingly discuss this topic with their children, friends, and families and teach the truth and the value of life — of every single life.

I hope you will pray with me and think on these things…

Suspicious Science and the Sabotaging of our Personal and Societal Sovereignty

Navy Seals are elite soldiers and critical manpower in our armed forces. We have approximately 2,500 currently serving our nation. The cost to train and equip one Navy Seal is estimated at $500,000. Due to vaccine mandates forced on these brave soldiers and patriots, many have less than 90 days now to get the covid vaccine or be disciplined, placed on non deployable status, and/or potentially discharged from the military. The loss of our elite seals forces will affect military readiness and have a dramatic impact on our ability to defend our nation. Hundreds of Navy Seals are reportedly requesting exemptions (for health and religious reasons) from the vaccine. Hundreds of Navy Seals are planning not to take the vaccine at this time and numerous fighter pilots have already declined the vaccine. reports that total military deaths from covid as of September 1, 2021, has been 40. There have been three times that amount of suicides in the military over the same period. So what is the real issue? Natural immunity from having had covid provides 27 times more immunity than taking the covid vaccine. Many soldiers have already had covid, yet they are not exempt from the vaccine mandate. Why?

The federal government has mandated that foreign nationals that come to our nation must have proof of vaccination against covid or a negative covid test, yet if that same foreigner walks across the Rio Grande, there is no requirement for vaccination or negative covid test to enter our nation. What sense does this make?

To attend an LSU football game in Tiger Stadium, a fan must present a vaccine card or have an approved negative covid test result to watch a football game in person, yet foreigners can enter our nation and be flown and/or bused around our nation with covid and no identification. If one is willing to have a covid vaccine before the game, they can attend in person even though science shows and confirms that the vaccine has not yet had enough time to be effective for preventing covid. What sense does that make? Is that science? The answer is NO!

Breaking news reports September 20, 2021 indicate that the federal administration is considering vaccine mandates for all Americans to travel by airplane domestically. Of course this won’t apply to those here illegally who are put on planes by our federal authorities. American citizens have been flying safely in planes that completely filter and refresh the air every four minutes with masks on airplanes for over a year without outbreaks of covid. Why this new plan?

If those vaccinated are “safe” from getting covid, why do they need a mask? Why are they afraid of being around someone unvaccinated if they are immune to covid? Does it make scientific sense to you? Why isn’t there any accommodation for those who have natural immunity which is scientifically proven to be 27 times more effective than the vaccine for preventing covid?
Why are treatments for covid with monoclonal antibodies being restricted from “red” states and allowed in “blue” states? Are not all citizens equally valuable? What happened to equal justice under the law or even equity?

If we are following the science, would we have mandates following a political agenda oppressing our fellow American citizens and soldiers including restricting travel, while allowing who knows who with who knows what illnesses and diseases to enter our nation and move about freely among our citizens? Over 200,000 illegals came across our southern border in August alone. August is usually a “slow month” for illegal trespassing into our nation. What will a “busy month” look like? Already 2 million illegal people come into our nation.

What are we going to do? Who are we going to call? How can we hold our officials accountable to protect and provide for our American citizens over non citizens?


Robin House ©️

Disturbingly Surreal

Jen Psaki says that things happen that you don’t want to happen in a retrograde. Yes, we sure do see that!

We had the opportunity to control Kabul, and our administration declined. We had the chance to exit our citizens before our military, and the administration put the proverbial cart before the horse. We had a chance to keep our airbase and support our interests, citizens and allies, and our administration chose to leave our air base, aircraft, munitions, technology and biometric data information on American citizens and our allies in the middle of the night without informing our Afghan army partners that we left them without support and abandoned our mission to keep the Taliban terrorists from taking over.

What is a retrograde? It is a ‘fancy pants politically correct’ retreat and surrender. There is no end to the holy war of terrorism against ALL who will not bow to the muslim faith. Just because we leave Afghanistan, doesn’t mean that our enemies have ceased the war. They are still at war with us whether we want to participate in the war or not. Just because we won’t defend ourselves doesn’t mean they won’t attack us anymore. In fact, the Taliban has effectively said with a boot at our administration’s butt to get on out by tomorrow, and thank you very much for the land, hostages, and military equipment we will use against you in the United States.

How naive and inept is our administration. Blinken was on vacation as Kabul fell. I guess he believed his own words that Kabul couldn’t fall in a weekend. Congress is in recess and won’t come back to work because Nancy doesn’t want the heat or to tackle the debacle of the retrograde mission and stand up for our nation. Reporters are really more interested in what flavors of ice cream Biden and Pelosi eat each day than questioning their inept, illegal, and questionable actions to the demise of our country and Constitution.

Our nation seems less secure with each passing day of this administration. The risk of attacks on our homeland are rising. Lawmakers are acting lawlessly and with what the military would call a dereliction of duty. The administration repeatedly says that the time for discussions about what is going on in the “retrograde” is not now. If not now, while we are still in country and could get more of our citizens out, when?

A bus load of American students in sight of the airbase gates yesterday, experience Taliban gun fire over them and was not allowed to get to the gate or entrance to the airport gate to exit Afghanistan. The University administration admitted that Taliban has their names thanks to our government.

I can hear the congressional committees investigating all of this next year now. I hear in my mind replies like the one made about Benghazi by the Secretary of State who said, “With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans,” she said. “Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided that they’d they go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make?” The difference is that those were our beloved sons and daughters.

Samuel Adams said in 1771, “The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil constitution, are worth defending at all hazards; and it is our duty to defend them against all attacks. We have received them as a fair inheritance from our worthy ancestors: they purchased them for us with toil and danger and expense of treasure and blood, and transmitted them to us with care and diligence. It will bring an everlasting mark of infamy on the present generation, enlightened as it is, if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle, or be cheated out of them by the artifices of false and designing men.”

If we lose our nation, there is no other place in the world of such liberty and rights. It is a sobering time. What will you do to defend your freedoms, your family, your property, your neighbors, and your nation from our enemies both foreign and domestic? You might want to think about it. You might want to be ready.

Robin House©️

Unbelievable “leadership” and a few dozen questions

For weeks questions have been asked about the exit strategy for Afghanistan. Americans have been told that the Biden administration had provisions for every possible scenario. But did they? Really?

Today and these past days, we see clearly how prepared they really were.

Joe Biden claims to be a student of history, but he could not have passed the class.

A ten year old, fourth grade, Girl Scout could have packed up and planned a better exit strategy, AND she wouldn’t have left all her stuff, to include essential equipment for her safety and protection at the base camp and all her friends and family behind.

I have some important questions that need answers!

1. Why did Secretary of State, Blinken, leave state department employees in a war zone when even the CIA left?

2. Why in the apparent “Blinken of an eye” did Afghanistan fall between a Friday and a Monday, when Secretary Blinken said that it couldn’t fall in one weekend? Well, yes it did, but the administration had been watching it fall piece by piece for months without doing anything to stop it or get our people out safely.

3. Why does the U. S. Military have to depend on the Taliban, who are our enemies and have never kept their word, for the safe exit of our American civilians desiring to go home to America?

4. Why did Biden have to knock on wood – hoping none of our military and citizens would be murdered by terrorists? Is he depending on knocking on wood for hoping the Taliban, Isis, and Al-Qaeda won’t do what they have always done to murder our citizens as they continue their chants of “Death to America!”

5. Why did we leave our weapons and billions in equipment for our enemies to use or sell to China and Russia and other enemies of America?

6. Why didn’t we destroy the equipment we couldn’t remove, so that it could not be used against us?

7. Why did we remove our military troops before getting our American civilians out of country and home? What sense does that make?

8. Why did we close and leave our embassy from which we could have staged out our people and allies back home?

9. Why did our VP say on her Asian trip this week that our exit from Afghanistan was a complete success without any loss of military lives? Oops! Looks like she isn’t the prophet she thought she was. She did say we need to go ahead and order and buy our Christmas presents because supply chains will be poor in the coming months. Humm? What does she know that we don’t?

10. Why are our exit flights being fired on when the Taliban is supposed to assure our safe exit?

11. Why is Biden kowtowing to our enemies saying ‘pretty please’ don’t hurt us?

12. Why did Biden immediately reverse and revoke every policy and executive order of the previous Trump administration as soon as he could get an ink pen in the Oval Office, and then say now that he had to follow the Trump exit plan from Afghanistan?

13. Why did Biden lie about Trump’s actual plan for leaving Afghanistan which was conditions based over time deadlines and blame Trump when Biden said he was completely responsible?

14. Why did we abandon Bagram Airbase that we spent $10 billion dollars to build and was a strategic base in the region with reach to many countries, including China?

15. Why did Biden say all our allies were with us and not critical of his exit plan, when multiple heads of state and NATO allies publicly and in the chambers of their governments denounced Biden’s plan?

16. Why didn’t the Biden administration deal with or even warn the Pakistan government about cutting out their collusion with the terrorist groups?

17. Why did the administration say that there were around 15,000 Americans in Afghanistan last week and this week, that they have no idea how many Americans are there?

18. Why did they report that over 100,000 people have been airlifted out of Afghanistan, but only about 4,000 were Americans (as of 8/25/21) on those flights?

19. Afghanistan is a tribal society that has been at war and feuding with its various groups for centuries, so why did the Biden administration bring 100,000 Afghani nationals to relocate them in America to continue their historic behavior?

20. Why are our generals “reaching out” to the Taliban for help for safe passage of our planes evacuating Americans and others? Does he have to say, “Mother may I?”

21. Joe Biden said that he is responsible and follows the directions of his military leaders who mostly inform him of what is going on by letter!

Seriously???? Is he using morse code too? Has he not been in the briefings? Was he asleep? Was he cognitively aware of the information and implications of that information?

22. Are the president’s “advisors” giving him correct, appropriate, and good advice? Can he discern what that is?

23. Why can’t Biden talk to the people without a teleprompter?

24. Why does Biden follow directions of some unknown someone about what he does and who he talks to and for how long?

25. Biden said today after reading his canned speech and was ready to answer reporter’s questions something very like— “they gave me a list here and I’ve been instructed to call on Kelly O’Donnell of NBC first.” WHAT? WHY? ARE THE QUESTIONS SET UPS? HOW CAN WE KNOW WHAT IS TRUE?

26. Biden said that it “could have happened” that we gave the names of American citizens and Afghan allies to the Taliban members. The Taliban! The people who rape their women, boys and girls? The Taliban who sent messages to Christians and allies of America telling that they know where they are and are coming for them soon? I have an idea that they aren’t inviting Christians, American citizens, and American allies to dinner. It is more likely to a beheading – theirs.

27. We were energy independent when Biden took office, and with Biden’s policies, he is now begging opec to increase oil production so that we have the fuel we need. WHY?

28. Why does Biden and his administration want us demoralized, dependent on the middle east and China, and the U. S. federal government for our ability to work, travel, eat, earn a living, and raise and educate our children?

I’ve talked to a lot of people over the past months and many have decided to not listen to the news as a solution to what they see as “bad” news. The Biden administration is counting on us not to notice, not to care, not to worry. They push delusions and distractions that deny our nation is being burnt to the ground by ineptitude and policies that do not protect our people or insure the freedoms we are endowed with by our Creator.

Sticking our heads in the sand and not watching the news is not the answer. Playing video games, gardening, and minding our own business in our own little world isn’t the answer.

Unless Americans wake up and stand up together as a nation with love, care, and respect for one another’s life and needs, we are lost. Our freedoms, rights to self-determination, property ownership, and integrity as a sovereign nation will be lost.

What language do you want to speak? Chinese? Russian? What type of law and society do you want to live under? Muslim Sharia, Communism, Marxism, Totalitarianism, or the U.S. Constitution?

Benjamin Franklin said, “Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

I hope you will stand up, serve, and support our nation and our people and way of life with its freedoms of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I love my nation. I hope you do, too. Please pray for our leaders. Pray for good and godly leaders. Please pray for unity in our nation. Please do what you can where you can to help save our nation, freedoms, and way of life!

Robin House ©️

Democracy, Fascism, or Tyranny?

I see many changes in our nation today. One change of concern is the governmental interference in the exercise of our first amendment rights. The government appears to be moving towards a more fascist rule instead of a representative republic. I’ve seen it in what is and isn’t allowed in the public square and on public platforms. Because concerns over fascim have increased, I looked up the definition this morning, and it appears that the unknown editors of truth were busy re-writing the definition of this term. The page for fascism was broken for a time. I’ve seen this before with the google searches for certain terms and definitions. When big government or big tech changes ‘on the fly’ the definitions of words and terms to suit their agendas, we have a big problem. The definition of fascism by wikipedia, for some reason this day, seemingly had to be removed, edited or adjusted. Perhaps due to the reporting this morning on fascist type actions being taken by the federal administration or perhaps not. We may never really know.

According to Fascism is “A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, a capitalist economy subject to stringent governmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.”

Today we see the federal government exercising coercion, suppression, and oppression in coordination with private social media companies and various reporting platforms to monitor, suppress, cancel, and blackball American citizens from their constitutional right to free speech across all social media platforms. The federal government has decided that it knows what’s best and best for us. They have decided that anyone who doesn’t follow their current party line or politically correct policy should be squelched as determined by some unknown and unidentified governmental senior officials. Citizens are being disavowed, and disallowed to exercise their right to free speech. The administration is taking names, writing them down, and telling social media platforms to cancel them. It sounds kind of like what happened to the last president. He had said that if they could censor and silence him as president, they could do it to anyone. It appears they are. Biden said that those who are opposed to vaccines or don’t want to take a vaccine are killing people. It seems that if someone in power doesn’t like what you say and do, they can and will censor and remove your rights to free speech.

Without the exchange of ideas (even bad ones) and the ability to respectfully discuss and debate the issues of the day, we are effectively under a fascist system of government. The president’s press secretary admitted today in a press briefing that her and the administrations thoughts and beliefs on appropriate treatments for the virus trump any Big Brother tactics the administration is now using to limit, restrict, and cancel the speech of our fellow citizens on social media platforms. In fact if someone is deemed to have posted misinformation, she says that they should be banned altogether and across all social media platforms. In other words, the first amendment is not as important as the administration’s directives on what is and is not true about the virus and methods of dealing with it.

Never mind that during the course of the virus, government leaders in the field of science in the highest offices have said at one time erroneous statements they believed to be true and then completely reversed their statements and mandates to say the exact opposite idea or policy. We heard that we shouldn’t wear masks, then we should, and now maybe we should mask again. Where’s the discussion and the debate on the facts? The government says follow the science, then they don’t follow the science. Federal recommendations say no mask is needed if someone is vaccinated, but if we get on a plane, we all must wear masks even if vaccinated. What about all the representatives from Texas who were shown on a plane without masks. Do only democratic politicians get to go without masks on planes?

Is it only senior governmental officials and politicians who get to determine what is true and truth? It appears so. Now it is clear that the social media platforms and most news outlets are also in government’s back pocket to do their bidding. What happened to the free press? Ask the Cubans, Russians, and Chinese – if they will talk to you. As far as our government officials? What standards do they hold to anyway? Are they known to be truthful, ethical, honest, and trustworthy? Are they right? Are they always right?

“Let them die.” This was the shouted statement of a federal employee yesterday at a Fairfax, VA education meeting when talking with parents about people who oppose the teaching of critical race theory. It appears that this is the next shot over the bow of anyone who disagrees. This call for death by a federal employee to some American citizens this week and many more politicians calling for and encouraging violence and destruction over the past year seems very dangerous and divisive. Why do they want us to be fearful and divided against one another? Mark 3:24-25 Jesus says, “If a kingdom is divided against itself, it cannot stand. If a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand.” Is the goal of some in power to pit us as citizens against one another. President Lincoln and others have quoted this verse. It was true in Jesus’ day, Lincoln’s, and today. Is this the road tyranny?

Tyranny is defined by as “arbitrary or unrestrained exercise of power; despotic abuse of authority.” Is this what we are seeing? Is this what we chose in our elections? Is this the government under which we want to live? Is this the government of, by, and for the people? Is it????

Unfortunately, it appears that there is a hard push by many elected officials for fascism at a minimum and for tyranny if they can get it. Is this what we want? Is this what we voted for in our elections? There is a proverb that says, “Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Is this what we are seeing?

I pray that our nation and its people will seek what is true, stand for what is right, support one another – loving their neighbors as themselves, show patience for a variety of thoughts and ideas, sincerely debate to seek what is right and true in order to share positive and unifying ideas that promote the general welfare for all of us in these still, for now, United States of America. I pray we won’t let evil rule or win in our homes, churches, communities, and nation. Let’s say no to division, divisiveness, and destruction in our homes, community and nation. Don’t let the devil and his followers win in his desire to steal, kill, and destroy. In John 10:10 Jesus says, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” Let’s look to and listen to Jesus. In I John 3:7-10 John says, “Dear children, do not let anyone lead you astray. The one who does what is right is righteous, just as he is righteous. The one who does what is sinful is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work. No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God’s seed remains in them; they cannot go on sinning, because they have been born of God. This is how we know who the children of God are and who the children of the devil are: Anyone who does not do what is right is not God’s child, nor is anyone who does not love their brother and sister.” Lastly, I pray that we will all seek to do right and serve the Savior who ultimately sets all things right and saves us eternally from our sins. May God bless you and may God bless America.

Robin Robbins House ©️

Only by Land and Not by Sea

So the DHS Secretary issued a stern warning to any struggling, starving, discontent with communism, freedom loving Cubans who might want to immigrate to America. He said with absolute clarity and unequivocally that no Cubans who try to come by sea to America will be allowed into the United States. He also said that the U.S. Coast Guard would intercept them, turn them around, and force/escort them back to Cuba. He was quite clear in his statement. There were no ifs, ands, or buts about it. There was no, “The border is closed.” WINK, WINK, “Please don’t come.” WINK. WINK. The DHS Secretary made clear that absolutely no Cubans would be allowed into our country. What?

Why? I thought the federal administration said that we were welcoming anyone who was discontent with their home country. Surely we don’t really turn away people who want to be here, do we? Or, could is this rule just for Cubans? What’s wrong with Cubans coming? Are we seeing racism on the part of the administration?

Men, women, and children from an estimated 75 – 90 foreign countries are being assisted into our country as they cross the Rio Grande River. The administrative department of our federal government has ordered our border patrol agents at the southern border to become ‘babysitters’ for unaccompanied children and a ‘welcoming committee’ for all illegally coming to our nation including criminals, terrorists, and many ill with covid.

Evidence show that coyotes and human traffickers working with cartels in Mexico are using the current policies of our federal government’s administration as part of their business model. Children are dropped over our border fence to occupy border patrol resources so that drug traffickers can freely come right into our nation. The amount of illegal drugs entering our country has skyrocketed. The collaboration of China (who manufactures and sends the fentanyl) with cartels in Mexico is killing our children. Recent news reports say that we have had a 30% increase in deaths (over 93,000 people) from opioids. Enough fentanyl has come through our southern border to kill every American four times. Why? Why do the policies of this administration support and encourage drug use and abuse and human trafficking?

Why is our federal government not protecting its own U.S. citizens who own land on the southern border by keeping illegal criminals out? Our hard working American citizens are being robbed, raped, and murdered by illegals? Does the federal government really want more crime and drug addiction? Their behavior begs the question.

Our governmental officials are putting people entering our nation without any identification and often sick with covid, who ‘turn themselves in’ on planes and buses, (FOR FREE WITH NO ID) to pretty much wherever they want to go into the interior of our country. Why can’t we send them back to their country of origin, like the DHS Secretary promised to do to the Cubans who attempt to come to our nation? The federal government is selectively redistributing and repopulating certain cities and states all over America with people who have come here illegally every single day since the new administration took office and cancelled the wait in Mexico policy.

DHHS is also happy to sign these newly welcomed, unknown people coming in our southern border up for all the healthcare, foster care and food stamp programs, rental assistance, and other welfare benefits only legal U.S. citizens should be entitled to have. The current administrative policy effectively says, ‘Go to the back of the line American citizens, veterans, and the disabled. We don’t care about our homeless, we want to welcome in the new people with no ID, few skills, little education, and inability to speak our language, and health issues.’ Teachers have been hired and some are volunteering to teach and tutor people from dozens of foreign countries while our public schools remain closed and our children fall behind academically and suffer from social distress and isolation.

A representative from Texas during the vp’s recent visit to Texas called El Paso, Texas the new Ellis Island of the United States. How nice, but even the arrivals on Ellis Island had to be free of contagious diseases before they were allowed into the country. Not so today at our southern border. For the diseased and derelict – the administration effectively says, ‘We’ll take them, and we want them.’ The federal government welcomes all – except the people from Cuba.

Why can’t the Cubans come? Does the U.S. government no longer support the desire for democracy? Is there no sympathy or help for politically, socially, and economically oppressed and starving Cubans?

Florida has a rich history of Cuban American citizens today that fled Cuba decades ago. These American citizens of Cuban descent seem to value freedom, appreciate democracy, want opportunity, work hard, and love our nation. Many who came have brought themselves up from nothing to become outstanding patriotic citizens, leaders, and business owners contributing to the welfare and well-being of their states and our nation. Could we be seeing the face of blatant discrimination and racism by our federal government towards Cubans?

Perhaps its just the coming “by sea” travel the DHS Secretary doesn’t like. What if Cubans had a land bridge to Florida? Would their desire for a better life and escape from communism be acceptable then? It’s over 1,400 miles from El Salvador to El Paso, TX. It’s 90 miles from Cuba to Key West, Florida. I don’t hear about the DHS secretary making people from Central American countries, Europe, Africa, and Asia return to their home country because it is an arduous trip. If Cubans go to Mexico to cross at the Rio Grande River would they be welcomed into our nation then?

To be fair, our government has said our southern border is closed, but watching the news and seeing the hands of U.S. Border Patrol agents helping people up out of the Rio Grande River into our nation, carrying their luggage, and directing them to waiting buses and planes for parts unknown into our interior shows how closed the southern border really is. So what’s a few more illegals?

Why doesn’t the administration want Cubans particularly to come to the U.S. or Florida? Does anyone know? Something really doesn’t seem right about all this. At the very least, it appears that the administration department of our federal government is practicing immigration discrimination and racism. Isn’t that illegal???

Robin House ©️


Riots, looting, stealing, killing, and destruction are happening across much of America. Calls to cancel citizens for simple opinions and to defund the police and civil authority continue. Due process, justice, and the rule of law are being cast aside for mob rule and anarchist activities. Some reports sound like the 1800s in the wild west before many of our territories became states. Bullies from the classrooms to the neighborhood gangs to the highest seats of power in Washington D. C. are pushing their will and way into every aspect of our lives and culture. Reason, the rule of law, civility and simple acts of kindness for our fellow man have, like the baby in the bath water, been thrown out the window by many.

During Jesus’ ministry many of the same things were happening in their culture. In Luke chapter ten, Jesus sends seventy-two disciples out with a message and a mission to spread the word that the kingdom of God has come near. Jesus sent these men two by two in peace and with power from the Lord – including the ability to heal the sick. Jesus told them that those who listened to them and received them were indeed listening to Jesus. In contrast, whoever didn’t listen to the disciple’s message and rejected it were rejecting Jesus.

I remember times as the oldest of four when my parents would send me to give a message to my siblings. Sometimes they listened to me, and sometimes they didn’t. My job was to take them the message. Their job was to receive the message and reply to it with what my parents told them to do. Sometimes I would be in trouble with my parents if my siblings didn’t acknowledge my parent’s message or authority. As a result, I felt like I would be held responsible if they didn’t “mind our parents.” Sometimes I tried to “make them” do my father’s or mother’s will. I cared that my siblings obeyed and didn’t get in trouble, but in actual fact, my siblings decisions to be obedient or not wasn’t my role or responsibility. My job was simply to communicate the message. It was their job to receive and respond or reject it. Sometimes this happens with evangelism. Sometimes we want better for others than they want for themselves. Sometimes we take on jobs and responsibilities that are not and can’t be ours. Can anyone identify with this?

In the story of the seventy-two sent out, Jesus said that if a city received and welcomed them, they were to stay and complete their mission. In contrast, Jesus also said that if a city rejected them or did not welcome them, they were to publicly say, “Even the dust of your town we wipe from our feet as a warning to you. Yet be sure of this: The kingdom of God has come near.’” Jesus told them to leave those places that rejected his message. Jesus also went on to say that it will be more bearable for Sodom than for that town that rejected the men Jesus sent to them. That has to be terrible. Sodom was destroyed by a fire from heaven so intense that there is not even a trace of it left to this day.

Jesus told those he was sending out before they left that “whoever listens to you, listens to me: whoever rejects you rejects me; but whoever rejects me rejects him who sent me.” (Luke 10) In my childhood example – when my siblings listened to me, they were listening to my parents. In contrast, when my siblings rejected me as a messenger from our parents and the message I brought, they were in deed rejecting not only my parents but the authority of God. This is a grave thing to reject God.

In the end of the story in Luke, Jesus’ disciples returned with joy at all those who received them and the message they brought from Jesus. They reported that “even the demons submit to us in your name.” That had to be something to see, but at the conclusion of this story, Jesus gives some perspective to the seventy-two. Jesus said, “However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.”

So what about us today? What relevance can we get out of the story in Luke 10 today? Here are a few thoughts.

1. Like the seventy-two, Jesus sends us on a mission. Matthew 28:18-20 says, “Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

2. As we go on our mission remember what Jesus told his disciples in Luke 10 about their approach to the cities they were sent to visit. In Romans 12:18 the writer commands Christians similarly, “If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.”

3. Like the seventy-two, we need to know our place and position on this earth. We need to trust in Jesus directions and leadership first and foremost knowing like Paul did in Philippians 4:12-13 “I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength. In I Timothy 6:6-8 we also see, “But godliness with contentment is great gain.” When we have the right attitude and understand our place and position in this world, I think we can have the same joy the seventy-two described.

4. Keep in the forefront of our minds John 3:16 which says, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” Likewise in I Peter 1:8-9 we read, “Though you have not seen him, you love him. Though you do not now see him, you believe in him and rejoice with joy that is inexpressible and filled with glory, obtaining the outcome of your faith, the salvation of your souls.” God loves us so much. What a gift He gave and what a reward for faith in Christ!

5. Understand that we are not responsible for the response or lack of response someone makes or doesn’t make to Jesus. It is their responsibility to listen to God. It is also their right to choose to accept or reject Him and His authority. We will see and know what they choose by their actions. In I John 3:9 it says, “No one born of God makes a practice of sinning, for God’s seed abides in him, and he cannot keep on sinning because he has been born of God.” Those who are rioting, looting, stealing, killing, and causing destruction in our world today are not born of God. We can lead a horse to water, but we can’t make him drink. The same thing is true of the offer of salvation.

6. For all that respond and accept Christ and like the seventy-two in Luke 10, we can be confident in our reward of eternal life with God. The Bible says in I John 5:11-13, “And this is the testimony, that God gave us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life. I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God that you may know that you have eternal life.”

7. Don’t worry so much about the little things and the things you can not control. When we work within our spheres of influence and with what we do control, we will often be better received and more effective. Let’s keep our focus on the main and important things. When we do, the little things will fit and fall into place. Have you seen the experiment with the putting rocks, gravel and sand in jars? If we fill our jar with sand, then try to add the gravel and big rocks, they won’t fit. If we put in the big rocks in the jar first, then the smaller gravel and the sand last, we will have our priorities right and be able to fit much more into our (jars) lives and in the right order and proportions. Philippians 3:20-21 says, “But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself.” Let’s think about this when life, circumstances, and the evening or all day long ‘news’ stories get us down. Better things are coming for those in Christ.

This is good news. This is important news. This is news worth sharing. Wouldn’t it be great if everyone heard about it?

I hope we can all learn some lessons from Luke 10 and live in the love the Lord provides as we think on these things….

Robin Robbins House ©️

Bible verses are used with permission from the NIV and ESV.