Supreme Court Arguments For and Against the Right to Life

Arguments at the Supreme Court for abortion say that 1 in 4 women in America have had an abortion. It is a big issue in our society. The argument that unplanned pregnancies should not have to be continued is one of the primary arguments for the right to abort a child and is being made.

Pregnancy is in most cases a result of a voluntary choice to engage in behavior that brings an egg and sperm together. Women do have the right (morally or not in our nation) to engage in an activity that would bring their egg in contact with a man’s sperm. But once the egg is fertilized by the sperm, a new — and completely separate from the mom — individual life with its own unique DNA begins. At that point of conception, the child exists, and he or she should, in my opinion, be afforded the right to live as the Constitution promises to all of us the right to pursue life, liberty, and happiness.

The argument for a woman’s right to choice to end the life of her child must acknowledge that the woman’s choice ends when it infringes on the rights of life and existence of another separate individual. The conceived child is such an individual

Most often in the cases of abortion, women choose to participate in behavior that could render them with a child. To be blunt, many women want to have sexual relations without the consequences of what naturally occurs with the behavior. Some women seem to want to do the things that can result in a pregnancy without dealing with the consequence or responsibility to the other separate unique individual who has been formed by the woman and man.

The baby in the womb is treated by many as having no standing or rights as an individual. Though a child can not form itself and does not ask to be conceived, he or she is a person and entitled to the right to life, the right to choice over their bodies, and the right to live as they choose – just like the mother.

Our rights end at the point when they infringe on someone else’s rights. We can not harm or cause the death of another without consequences in the law. Why is there a difference in protections and rights for an unborn child – a child who is unable to speak up for themselves? We know that just because someone is bigger, stronger, or can exercise dominance over another person that does not mean that they should exert their will over another or that it is right to do so.

The science is clear that what is conceived in a woman’s womb is a living human being. More and more we have learned and understand the intricacy and individuality of every single person from the time they are conceived. The Bible says we are knit together by God in the womb and that He knows us and has plans for us before we are born.

I’m praying that our nation will turn back to following God. I’m praying that those with unplanned or unwanted pregnancies will choose to let the life of their children continue. I’m praying that those who do not want to keep or raise the children they conceive will give them through adoption to those who do want children and will care for and love them to help them grow.

We are all made in the image of the almighty God. I hope more will gently and lovingly discuss this topic with their children, friends, and families and teach the truth and the value of life — of every single life.

I hope you will pray with me and think on these things…

My Choice

Why is the argument ‘my body; my right’ acceptable/allowed for one ‘choice'(to end the life of an unborn child) and not acceptable/allowable for those who may select another choice – to choose not to accept a non FDA approved, emergency use authorization, experimental drug into their body?

Is this not their right and choice, or are we now coming under totalitarian rule? I’m not knocking anyone’s position. I’m not for or against anyone’s decision about taking or not taking the new drugs to prevent a virus.

But – I do believe we should each have the right to decide for ourselves without governmental coercion — Especially considering that 99.95 % of those who get the virus survive with no or very few residual issues.

Let’s open our eyes my fellow citizens and speak up for what is self-evident and what we have been endowed with by our Creator that is confirmed in our Constitution.

RRHouse ©️ 7/13/21